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Number Candles

Number of candles
We've long used electric bulbs and self-contained torches to light up a room at night. But we still love candles for the magical appeal of real fire and their ability to create a special atmosphere. And no birthday party is complete without cake candles.

Candles are the finishing touch to a birthday cake. But it is not always convenient to set the number of candles according to the number of years. It is much more convenient to set number candles in the shape of numbers. You can order with delivery in Dubai from Dream Balloon online shop. We have everything you need to decorate your holiday, whether you have arranged an event in a flat, hotel, school or open air party.

In our catalogue we have number candles in two colours:

- In gold;
- in silver.

The candles do not contain any harmful dyes or stabilisers. They contain only natural wax, which does not harm our body in case of accidental ingestion and is excreted without any consequences.

Number candles can also be used for numbering tables in a café or at an outdoor event.

To place an order, call us or leave a request online. We deliver anywhere in Dubai at any time of the day or night. We work non-stop, delivering decorations and gifts on weekdays, weekends and holidays.

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